Chamber mixer was all Greek for attendees
It felt like the Parker Community Center had been transported to Greece July 20 for the monthly mixer of the Parker Regional Chamber of Commerce & Tourism. The theme was a “Big Fat Greek Chamber Mixer,” and the dinner consisted of Greek dishes prepared by the center staff. Little Greek flags hung from the ceiling.
The center hosts many activities and classes, and is the home of the Town’s congregate meal program for seniors. Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. They are also the base for the home-bound meals service for seniors, often called “Meals on Wheels.” To find out more about their programs, go to their Facebook page or call 928-669-9514.
The chamber has a variety of services designed to assist local businesses. They hold the monthly mixers at a different business every month, usually on the third Thursday of the month. They also promoted local events around the community. Their big fundraiser every year is the Parker Tube Float. To find out more about the chamber, go to their website at or call 928-669-2174.
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